SaleFreaks proxy integration

SaleFreaks Proxy Integration

What is SaleFreaks?

SaleFreaks is known for its automation tools that assist dropshippers in managing their online stores more efficiently. It helps automate various aspects of the dropshipping process, such as product sourcing, order fulfillment, and inventory management. The platform often integrates with popular e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon.

Steps to integrate SaleFreaks with Bright Data proxies

Proxy management interface with active proxies and Add button.

Sign up to Bright Data:

After signing up, in the Bright Data dashboard, navigate to the “Proxy & Scraping Infrastructure” section and Add a new designated Zone for your proxy usage.

Web interface for managing proxies and scraping infrastructure.

Select proxy type:

In this example, we will show how to set up datacenter proxies.

Form to choose IP type, showing Dedicated option selected.

Name proxy solution:

Set the desired IP type, shared IPs, dedicated IPs, or premium IPs.

Select IP count:

Fill in the number of IPs you need.

Geolocation targeting options for United States and New York City.

Country & city selection:

Choose your desired country and city for the IP location.

Add zone:

Click the “Add” button to create the Zone.

Proxies and Scraping dashboard with various proxy options listed.

Now Zone is ready:

You always have the option to edit the zone by clicking on the zone name and taking the data you will require for the next step. To add more proxies, go to the “configuration” page.

Interface showing proxy configuration settings.

Adding new password:

For adding a new proxy password, click on the ‘+Add password’ button (it is now possible to add more proxy passwords on the “Access parameters” page).

Head to the configuration page.

Once you added a new password, head to the configuration page.

Settings page showing IP allocation details.

Review IPs:

To review your IPs, click on To review your IPs, click on Show allocated IPs.

List of IP addresses with geolocation information.

You will notice the list of Allocated IPs

Take a look at the list of allocated IPs.

Interface showing IP allocation options and download link

Click on the download IPs list button:

FYI: If you choose “new password” in step 10, please wait a few minutes before you download the allocated IP’s files, to allow the new password to sync with and reflect in the file.

Text file with proxy IP addresses on screen.

Open file editor:

Open the file in the editor of your choice will appear similar to the below example:

Text file with proxy IP addresses on screen.

Open file editor:

Open the file in the editor of your choice will appear similar to the below example:

Text file screenshot showing proxy server details.

Input fields:

For your convenience we have breakdown the fields you need to fill as shown from the list below:

  • Proxy type: HTTP
  • Proxy IP:
  • Proxy Port: 22225
  • Proxy user:lum-customer-{your_customer_id}-zone-{your_zone}-ip-
  • Proxy password: zh4*********
Dialog box for adding an eBay account on SaleFreaks.

Login to Salefreaks:

After you login at an add account pop will appear, select your ebay marketplace, enter your store name and click on provide my own proxy.

Form for adding eBay account with proxy settings.

Fill in Salefreaks fields:

Fill in the Salefreaks text field information taken from the Bright Data downloaded file.

Enable auto recharge confirmation pop-up on billing page.

For your information:

To avoid account suspension, which will lead to losing all of the allocated IPs, we recommend enabling the auto-recharge feature, which will ensure that the account will never run out of funds. It could be in any amount, starting from $20.

Get proxies for SaleFreaks

proxy badges

Impulsionado por uma infraestrutura de proxy residencial premiada

Mais de 72 milhões de proxies residenciais, a melhor tecnologia da categoria e a capacidade de segmentar qualquer país, cidade, operadora e ASN, torna nossos serviços de proxy premium a melhor escolha para desenvolvedores.

Tipos de proxy para todas as necessidades

Proxies residenciais

  • Mais de 72.000.000 IPs
  • Disponível em 195 países
  • A maior rede de IPs rotativos de pares reais
  • Aceda e rastreie todos os sítios web sofisticados

Proxies de datacenter

  • Mais de 1.600.000 IPs
  • Disponível em 98 países
  • Grupos de IPs partilhados e dedicados disponíveis
  • Acesso rápido a sítios web não complexos

Proxies de ISP

  • Mais de 700.000 IPs
  • Disponível em 35 países
  • IPs residenciais estáticos reais sem rotação de IP
  • Ideal para iniciar sessão em várias conta

Proxies móveis

  • Mais de 7.000.000 IPs
  • Disponível em 195 países
  • A maior rede de IPs 3G/4G de pares reais do mundo
  • Verificar anúncios móveis e rastrear sítios móveis

Para os clientes, a melhor experiência do ramo

Você pede, nós desenvolvemos

Novos lançamentos de recursos todos os dias

Suporte global 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana

Para responder a qualquer pergunta quando você precisar

Transparência total

Painel de desempenho de rede em tempo real

Gerentes de contas dedicados

Para otimizar seu desempenho

Soluções personalizadas

Para atingir suas metas de coleta de dados

Líder em proxies e coleta de dados

Category leader in proxies
650TB de dados públicos coletados todos os dias
Number of ISP proxies
Novos lançamentos de recursos todos os dias
Serving 7/10 universities
Atendendo a 7/10 das principais universidades do mundo
Trust pilot ratings
4.5/5 classificação mais alta do Trustpilot na indústria

Ready to get started?