Website Proxies

TCP Proxies

Awarded #1 Proxy Ecosystem

  • Perform load balancing for efficient network traffic distribution
  • Proxies from 195 different countries with city, state, and zip code level targeting
  • Never get blocked collecting the data you need
Não é necessário cartão de crédito
Proxy services
  • #1 performance 99.99% success rate
  • +72 Million proxy IPs
  • #1 proxy speed highest network uptime
proxy badges

Powered by an award-winning proxy infrastructure

Bright Data offers premium proxy services with over 72 million IPs. Our top-tier technology allows you to target any country, city, ZIP Code, carrier, and ASN. This makes our services a preferred choice for developers.

Our TCP proxies work with all popular languages

And 100+ other languages...

Why customers choose Bright Data proxies

Largest Global Proxies Networks

Bright Data proxy network is built of over 72million IPs from 195 countries

Best Proxy Infrastructure

Unlimited scale and customizing possibilities from any city or country in the world

Most Stable Proxy Networks

Bright Data has the highest success rates of any global IPs provider

Best Performing Proxies

99.9% - Bright Data has the highest success rates of any IPs provider

Top Proxy IP Network Speeds

99.99% Network Uptime, plus a real-time network status monitor

Unparalleled Proxy Innovation

Speed up your project with a free Proxies Manager

Industry leading TCP proxies

World proxies

TCP Proxies from every country in the world

With over 72 million+ real residential IPs, you’ll never get blocked while collecting public data and encountering Captchas. If you’re looking to scrape websites for best sellers, product pricing, or product reviews, news, or anything else, Bright Data is the industry’s most trusted proxy network. Not all proxy networks are built the same, and our competitors often fail to perform at peak times & at large scale, when you need proxies the most.

Proxies for scraping

High quality TCP proxies for your data collection needs

Bright Data provides a secure and reliable proxy infrastructure that allows you to browse anonymously and collect public web data. Trusted by over 20,000 businesses, including Fortune 500 companies, our proxy network boasts the highest success rates in the industry at 99.99%.

We offer a variety of automated web data collection products as part of our award-winning #1 Proxy Ecosystem. You can choose to rotate between four Bright Data proxy types: Residential, Mobile proxies, ISP, and Datacenter.

Developers prefer Bright Data's TCP proxies

  • Qualidade de serviço inigualável
  • A maior cobertura GEO
  • Melhor tempo de funcionamento da rede
  • Melhores resultados

Melhor desempenho

A maior taxa de sucesso na indústria


Inovação sem paragens

Lançamentos de novas funcionalidades
todos os dias

Trustpilot Trustscore 4.6 out of 5 stars.

Escala de

Nível empresarial mais fiável

Integração direta para um começo fácil

  • Gira os seus IPs de Centro de Dados desde a API ou Painel de Controlo de Bright Data
  • Documentação para programadores
  • Apoia a integração de software de terceiros
  • Criar e gerir subusuários
Proxy manager image

Fácil de usar com o Gestor de Proxy mais popular da web

  • Painel de instrumentos de proxy mais popular e de fácil utilização
  • Organizar proxies com interface fácil de usar
  • Integração sem problemas para os principiantes
  • Defina regras personalizadas para resultados otimizados
  • Construído para programadores. Potenciado para a empresa

Líder em proxies e coleta de dados

Category leader in proxies
650TB de dados públicos coletados todos os dias
Number of ISP proxies
Novos lançamentos de recursos todos os dias
Serving 7/10 universities
Atendendo a 7/10 das principais universidades do mundo
Trust pilot ratings
4.6/5 classificação mais alta do Trustpilot na indústria

Para os clientes, a melhor experiência do ramo

Você pede, nós desenvolvemos

Novos lançamentos de recursos todos os dias

Suporte global 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana

Para responder a qualquer pergunta quando você precisar

Transparência total

Painel de desempenho de rede em tempo real

Gerentes de contas dedicados

Para otimizar seu desempenho

Soluções personalizadas

Para atingir suas metas de coleta de dados

Choose the best TCP Proxy on the market


TCP, or Transmission Control Protocol, is a fundamental protocol used for transmitting data over the internet. In the context of Bright Data, our services operate over TCP to ensure reliable and ordered delivery of data packets. This is crucial for maintaining the high performance and reliability of our proxy services.

However, we do not offer a specific "TCP proxy" product. Our proxy services include Residential Proxies, Datacenter Proxies, and Mobile Proxies, all of which operate over TCP as part of their underlying network protocols.

A TCP proxy intercepts TCP connection requests from clients and establishes separate connections to the destination servers on their behalf. It then relays data between the client and server, performing functions such as load balancing, security filtering, or protocol translation.

TCP proxies offer several advantages, including improved network performance through caching and compression, enhanced security by filtering malicious traffic, scalability through load balancing and traffic distribution, and flexibility for protocol conversion or application optimization.

TCP proxies are commonly used for a wide range of applications and protocols, including HTTP(S), SMTP, FTP, SSH, socks5 and custom TCP-based applications. They can optimize and secure various network services by managing TCP connections at the protocol level.

Bright Data does not offer a free proxy service. However, we do provide a variety of flexible proxy pricing options to suit different needs and budgets. You can try our free trial and test our product

Yes, TCP proxies can be used for load balancing by distributing incoming client connections across multiple backend servers based on predefined algorithms such as round-robin, least connections, or server health checks. This helps improve service availability and scalability.