How Keter Leveraged Market Intelligence to Drive Global Growth with Bright Data

Business impact

  • Increased competitive edge by tracking market trends and competitor products.
  • Improved sales performance through data-driven pricing and product strategies.
  • Expanded market reach by optimizing strategies across US, UK, and Germany.

About the company

Keter Group, formerly Keter Plastic, is a manufacturer and marketer of resin-based household and garden consumer products, specializing in outdoor furniture. The company, established in 1948, has a chain of retail stores throughout Israel and operates 29 plants in Israel, Luxembourg, Europe, Canada and the United States, and is now an international company with 4900 employees. Since Keter launched its direct-to-consumer e-commerce platform, 30% of its sales are sourced through from digital platforms. 

Executive Summary 

As an international retailer and manufacturer of outdoor furniture with a major direct-to-customer e-commerce footprint, Keter needs both high-level market insights and detailed product level information to plan and execute its marketing and sales strategy. Bright Data’s Bright Insights solution built on AWS provided actionable market intelligence for US, UK, and Germany. 

Customer Challenge 

As both a retailer and manufacturer, discovering, tracking high level market trends including competition is a vital business need for Keter. At the same time, individual product and category level pricing and sales information is required from the market. All this information is influencing Keter’s marketing, pricing, and sales strategy, planning and budgets. Gathering and processing such information without third-party tooling would have required a massive investment in web data scraping, coding, and data processing. There are multiple potential issues with collecting data at scale: 

  • Content issues: discovery, geo-location impact, schema 
  • Blocking: self-defense mechanisms of target websites 
  • Cloaking: identifying false data served to non-real users 
  • Quality: accurate, reliable, complete datasets need vast resources 
  • Technical issues: structure changes, developer, and cloud resources 

Partner Solution 

Bright Insights answers mission-critical questions at the brand, category & unit level, powered by AI, specially designed for retail. The solution supports Product Development, Marketing, Sales and E-Commerce Operations teams by providing competitive edge with data through actionable market intelligence for global brands, retailers, analysts and investors. Built as a SaaS on AWS, the deployment and ROI is near instant compared to building an in-house solution. 

Results and Benefits 

Keter has been using Bright Insights for almost 2 years to provide market insights for the US markets, including Walmart, Sam’s club, Lowe’s, Home Depot, and Wayfair. 
As Keter found the insights to be effective and accurate, they have increased coverage to include the UK and DE markets. 
Keter chose Bright Insights over the competition, for the following capabilities: 

  • The ability to track sales and map competitors’ products in categories that are vital to our business. 
  • Helping to identify new products, monitor trends, and track best-selling products. 
  • Track monthly sales trends over the year, identify category increase and decrease. 
  • Map and analyze market share in Keter’s main sales channels and leading categories. 

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