TrustRadius Scraper

Scrape TrustRadius and collect data such as product ID and name, reviews, ratings, author info, and much more.

  • Dedicated account manager
  • Retrieve results in multiple formats
  • Scrape TrustRadius on demand via API or no-code scraper
Não é necessário cartão de crédito
TrustRadius Scraper API hero image

Effortlessly scrape TrustRadius data

TrustRadius Scraper API
Use this API to start collecting data with specified parameters

  • API based scraper
    Use our interface to build your api request
  • Automation in scale
    Build your own scheduler to control the frequency
  • Delivery
    Deliver the data to your preferred storage or download it
TrustRadius No-Code Scraper
Use this "Plug and Play" scraper to start collecting data

  • Control Panel based scraper
    The entire interaction is within our control panel
  • Easy to use
    Add your input to the scraper and you are ready to go
  • Retrieve results from the CP
    Results can be downloaded directly from the CP
Web Scrapers

Available TrustRadius and related scrapers

Remove the need to develop and maintain the infrastructure. Simply extract high volume web data, and ensure scalability and reliability using web scraper APIs or no-code scrapers.

LinkedIn people profiles

ID, Name, City, Country code, Position, About, Posts, Groups, and more.

LinkedIn people profiles - Discover LinkedIn profiles by name

ID, Name, City, Country code, Position, About, Posts, Groups, and more.

LinkedIn company information

ID, Name, Country code, Locations, Followers, Employees in linkedin, About, Specialties, and more.

Crunchbase companies information

Name, URL, ID, Cb rank, Region, About, Industries, Operating status, and more.

Crunchbase companies information - Searching data by keyword

Name, URL, ID, Cb rank, Region, About, Industries, Operating status, and more.

Linkedin job listings information

URL, Job posting id, Job title, Company name, Company id, Job location, Job summary, Applay link, and more.

Linkedin job listings information - Discover new jobs by keyword

URL, Job posting id, Job title, Company name, Company id, Job location, Job summary, Applay link, and more.

Linkedin job listings information - Discover jobs by company URL

URL, Job posting id, Job title, Company name, Company id, Job location, Job summary, Applay link, and more.

Glassdoor companies overview information

ID, Company, Ratings overall, Details size, Details founded, Details type, Country code, Company type, and more.

Glassdoor companies overview information - Search for companies by keyword

ID, Company, Ratings overall, Details size, Details founded, Details type, Country code, Company type, and more.

Glassdoor companies overview information - discover new companies by input filters

ID, Company, Ratings overall, Details size, Details founded, Details type, Country code, Company type, and more.

Indeed job listings information

Jobid, Company name, Date posted parsed, Job title, Description text, Benefits, Qualifications, Job type, and more.

Indeed job listings information - Collect new jobs by keyword search in specific location

Jobid, Company name, Date posted parsed, Job title, Description text, Benefits, Qualifications, Job type, and more.

Indeed job listings information - Discover jobs by company URL

Jobid, Company name, Date posted parsed, Job title, Description text, Benefits, Qualifications, Job type, and more.

Glassdoor job listings information

URL, Company url overview, Company name, Company rating, Job title, Job location, Job overview, Company headquarters, and more.

Glassdoor job listings information - Collect new jobs by keyword search like the job title

URL, Company url overview, Company name, Company rating, Job title, Job location, Job overview, Company headquarters, and more.

Glassdoor job listings information - Discover jobs by company URL

URL, Company url overview, Company name, Company rating, Job title, Job location, Job overview, Company headquarters, and more.

Yelp businesses overview

Business id, Yelp biz id, Name, Updates from business, Overall rating, Reviews count, Is claimed, Categories, and more.

Zoominfo companies information

URL, ID, Name, Description, Revenue, Revenue currency, Stock symbol, Website, and more.

Zoominfo companies information - discover records by search url

URL, ID, Name, Description, Revenue, Revenue currency, Stock symbol, Website, and more.

Glassdoor companies reviews

Overview id, Review id, Review url, Rating date, Pros, Cons, Count helpful, Count unhelpful, and more.

Google maps reviews

URL, Place id, Place name, Country, Address, Review id, Reviewer name, Reviews by reviewer, and more.

pitchbook companies information

URL, ID, Company name, Company socials, Year founded, Status, Employees, Latest deal type, and more.

Indeed companies info

Name, Description, URL, Work happiness, Jobs categories, Website, Industry, Company size, and more.

Indeed companies info - By company list

Name, Description, URL, Work happiness, Jobs categories, Website, Industry, Company size, and more.

Indeed companies info - Discover companies by Industries and location (State) in US

Name, Description, URL, Work happiness, Jobs categories, Website, Industry, Company size, and more.

Indeed companies info - Search company by company name

Name, Description, URL, Work happiness, Jobs categories, Website, Industry, Company size, and more.

Yelp businesses reviews

Business id, Review auther, Rating, Date, Content, Review image, Reactions, Replies, and more.

Yelp businesses reviews - Search for Yelp businesses by country, category and location

Business id, Review auther, Rating, Date, Content, Review image, Reactions, Replies, and more.

Trustpilot business reviews

Company name, Review id, Review date, Review rating, Review title, Review content, Is verified review, Review date of experience, and more.

Owler companies information

CompanyID, Ownership, IndustrySectors, Revenue, Founded, CompanyName, Country, EmployeeCount, and more.

Xing social network

Account id, FamilyName, Gender, Membership, Country code, Experience, Education, Languages, and more.

VentureRadar company information

URL, Location, Name, Country code, Ownership, Score, Auto analyst score, Website popularity, and more.

Trustradius product reviews

URL, Product id, Product name, Review id, Review url, Review title, Review rating, Review date, and more.

Just want TrustRadius data? Skip scraping.
Purchase a TrustRadius dataset


Easily scrape TrustRadius data without worrying about being blocked.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '[{"url":""},{"url":""}]' ""
    "timestamp": "2025-02-04",
    "url": "https:\/\/\/products\/hubspot-crm\/reviews?o=recent\u0026f=880#reviews",
    "product_id": "hubspot-crm",
    "product_name": "HubSpot CRM",
    "review_id": "hubspot-crm-2022-08-18-11-31-01",
    "review_url": "https:\/\/\/reviews\/hubspot-crm-2022-08-18-11-31-01",
    "review_title": "Hubspot makes my daily job easier!",
    "review_rating": 10
    "timestamp": "2025-02-04",
    "url": "https:\/\/\/products\/hubspot-crm\/reviews?o=recent\u0026f=1370#reviews",
    "product_id": "hubspot-crm",
    "product_name": "HubSpot CRM",
    "review_id": "hubspot-crm-2021-07-30-11-13-23",
    "review_url": "https:\/\/\/reviews\/hubspot-crm-2021-07-30-11-13-23",
    "review_title": "HubSpot",
    "review_rating": 9
    "timestamp": "2025-02-04",
    "url": "https:\/\/\/products\/hubspot-crm\/reviews?o=recent\u0026f=455#reviews",
    "product_id": "hubspot-crm",
    "product_name": "HubSpot CRM",
    "review_id": "hubspot-crm-2023-05-19-08-41-54",
    "review_url": "https:\/\/\/reviews\/hubspot-crm-2023-05-19-08-41-54",
    "review_title": "Hubspot over Salesforce any day of the week",
    "review_rating": 8
    "timestamp": "2025-02-04",
    "url": "https:\/\/\/products\/hubspot-crm\/reviews?o=recent\u0026f=1370#reviews",
    "product_id": "hubspot-crm",
    "product_name": "HubSpot CRM",
    "review_id": "hubspot-crm-2021-07-30-03-32-33",
    "review_url": "https:\/\/\/reviews\/hubspot-crm-2021-07-30-03-32-33",
    "review_title": "Spot on, HubSpot!",
    "review_rating": 10
    "timestamp": "2025-02-04",
    "url": "https:\/\/\/products\/hubspot-crm\/reviews?o=recent\u0026f=475#reviews",
    "product_id": "hubspot-crm",
    "product_name": "HubSpot CRM",
    "review_id": "hubspot-crm-2023-05-19-03-12-05",
    "review_url": "https:\/\/\/reviews\/hubspot-crm-2023-05-19-03-12-05",
    "review_title": "Hubspot: better value for sales teams",
    "review_rating": 10

Uma chamada de API. Um monte de dados.

Descoberta de dados

Detecção de estruturas e padrões de dados para garantir uma extração eficiente e direcionada de dados.

Tratamento de solicitações em massa

Redução da carga do servidor e otimização da coleta de dados para tarefas de extração com alto volume.

Análise de dados

Conversão eficiente do HTML bruto em dados estruturados, facilitando a integração e a análise de dados.

Validação de dados

Garantia da confiabilidade dos dados e economia de tempo em verificações manuais e pré-processamento.


Nunca mais se preocupe com proxies e CAPTCHAs

  • Rotação automática de IPs
  • Resolução de CAPTCHAs
  • Rotação de User-Agent
  • Cabeçalhos personalizados
  • Renderização de JavaScript 
  • Proxies residenciais


TrustRadius Planos de assinatura da API de scraping

pay as you go plan icon
$1.5/ 1K RECORDS
Sem compromisso
Teste grátis
Pague conforme o uso, sem compromisso mensal
2nd plan icon
$1.27/ 1K RECORDS
$499 Faturação mensal
Teste grátis
Feito sob medida para equipes que desejam expandir suas operações
3rd plan icon
$1.12/ 1K RECORDS
$999 Faturação mensal
Teste grátis
Projetado para equipes grandes com amplas necessidades operacionais
4th plan icon
$1.05/ 1K RECORDS
$1999 Faturação mensal
Teste grátis
Suporte avançado e recursos para operações críticas
Serviços de dados de elite para requisitos empresariais de alto nível
  • Gestor de contas
  • Pacotes sob medida
  • SLA Premium
  • Suporte prioritário
  • Onboarding personalizado
  • SSO
  • Personalizações
  • Logs de auditoria
Aceitamos esses métodos de pagamento:

Fácil de começar. Ainda mais fácil de dimensionar.

Estabilidade incomparável

Garanta um desempenho consistente e minimize as falhas confiando na principal infraestrutura de proxies do mundo.

Extração de dados da web simplificada

Coloque sua extração de dados no piloto automático usando APIs prontas para a aplicação, economizando recursos e reduzindo a manutenção.

Escalabilidade ilimitada

Dimensione facilmente seus projetos de extração de dados para atender às demandas de dados, mantendo o desempenho ideal.


Adaptado ao seu fluxo de trabalho

Obtenha dados estruturados do LinkedIn em arquivos JSON, NDJSON ou CSV por meio da entrega de webhook ou API.


Infraestrutura e desbloqueios integrados

Obtenha o máximo de controle e flexibilidade sem manter infraestrutura de proxies e desbloqueios. Extraia dados com facilidade de qualquer localização geográfica, evitando CAPTCHAs e bloqueios.


Infraestrutura comprovada na prática

A plataforma da Bright Data capacita mais de 20 000 empresas em todo o mundo ao oferecer tranquilidade com 99,99% de tempo de atividade e acesso a mais de 72 milhões de IPs de usuários reais em 195 países.


Conformidade líder do setor

Nossas práticas de privacidade estão em conformidade com as leis de proteção de dados, inclusive o marco regulamentar de proteção de dados da UE, a GDPR e a CCPA — respeitando solicitações para exercer direitos de privacidade e muito mais.

TrustRadius Scraper API use cases

Scrape TrustRadius reviews to stay updated on customer opinions and trends.

Monitor TrustRadius for emerging trends and industry developments.

Scrape TrustRadius data to analyze product ratings and market sentiment.

Access TrustRadius premium content for in-depth research and insights.

Por que mais de 20,000+ clientes escolhem a Bright Data

100% em conformidade

Todos os dados coletados e fornecidos aos clientes são obtidos de forma ética e estão em conformidade com todas as leis aplicáveis.

Suporte Global 24/7

Uma equipa dedicada de profissionais do serviço de apoio ao cliente pode ajudá-lo a qualquer momento.

Cobertura completa de dados

Os nossos clientes podem aceder a mais de 72 million de endereços IP em todo o mundo para coletar dados de qualquer sítio web.

Qualidade de dados inigualável

Com a nossa tecnologia avançada e processos de garantia de qualidade, asseguramos dados exatos e de alta qualidade.

Infraestrutura poderosa

A nossa infraestrutura de desbloqueio de proxy facilita a coleta de dados em grande escala sem ser bloqueado.

Soluções personalizadas

Fornecemos soluções personalizadas para satisfazer as necessidades e objetivos únicos de cada cliente.

Quer saber mais?

Fale com um especialista para discutir as suas necessidades de raspagem de.

TrustRadius Scraper API FAQs

The TrustRadius Scraper API is a powerful tool designed to automate data extraction from the TrustRadius website, allowing users to efficiently gather and process large volumes of data for various use cases.

The TrustRadius Scraper API works by sending automated requests to the TrustRadius website, extracting the necessary data points, and delivering them in a structured format. This process ensures accurate and quick data collection.

The data points that can be collected with the TrustRadius Scraper API include: product ID, URL, product name, review ID, review URL, review title, review rating, author company name,  and a lot more.

Yes, the TrustRadius Scraper API is designed to comply with data protection regulations, including GDPR and CCPA. It ensures that all data collection activities are performed ethically and legally.

Absolutely! The TrustRadius Scraper API is ideal for competitive analysis, allowing you to gather insights into your competitors' activities, trends, and strategies related to TrustRadius.

The TrustRadius Scraper API offers flawless integration with various platforms and tools. You can use it with your existing data pipelines, CRM systems, or analytics tools to improve your data processing capabilities.

There are no specific usage limits for the TrustRadius Scraper API, offering you the flexibility to scale as needed. Prices start from $0.001 per record, ensuring cost-effective scalability for your web scraping projects.

Yes, we offer dedicated support for the TrustRadius Scraper API. Our support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter while using the API.

Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Google PubSub, Microsoft Azure Storage, Snowflake, and SFTP.

JSON, NDJSON, JSON lines, CSV, and .gz files (compressed).