Target Dataset

Access a wide range of Target products, reviews, and best-selling products

  • Millions of records available
  • Accurate Target pricing, products, and reviews data
  • Free Target data samples for download
Target dataset

Target dataset sample

The Target dataset provides an extensive collection of information covering the diverse range of items available at Target stores. Tailored to support businesses, researchers, and analysts, this dataset offers valuable insights into market trends, pricing strategies, and consumer behavior.


Available Target and related datasets

Access fresh validated Target datasets. Ensure hassle-free data access by using ready-made scrapers.

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Amazon products

Title, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Currency, Availability, Reviews count, and more.

Shopee - products

URL, ID, Title, Rating, Reviews, Initial price, Final price, Currency, and more.

Walmart - products

URL, Final price, Sku, Currency, Gtin, Specifications, Image urls, Top reviews, and more.

Amazon Reviews

URL, Product name, Product rating, Product rating object, Product rating max, Rating, Author name, Asin, and more.

Shein- Products

Product name, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Color, Size, and more.

Amazon products global dataset

Title, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Currency, Availability, Reviews count, and more.


URL, Product id, Title, Seller name, Seller rating, Seller reviews, Breadcrumbs, Root category, and more.

TikTok Shop

URL, Title, Available, Description, Currency, Initial price, Final price, Discount percent, and more.

Amazon best seller products

Title, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Final price high, Currency, and more.

Google Shopping

URL, Product id, Title, Product description, Rating, Reviews count, Images, Variations, and more.

Zara - Products

Category id, Category name, Product id, Product name, Price, Currency, Colour code, Colour, and more.

Amazon Walmart

URL, Title amazon, Seller name amazon, Brand amazon, Description amazon, Initial price amazon, Currency amazon, Availability amazon, and more.

Amazon sellers info

Seller id, URL, Seller name, Description, Detailed info, Stars, Feedbacks, Return policy, and more.

Home Depot US

URL, Domain, Country code, Model number, Sku, Product id, Product name, Manufacturer, and more.

Lazada - Products

URL, ID, Title, Rating, Reviews, Sold, Initial price, Final price, and more.


URL, Product id, Listing inventory id, Title, Rating, Reviews count shop, Reviews count item, Initial price, and more.

Amazon products search

Asin, URL, Name, Sponsored, Initial price, Final price, Currency, Sold, and more.

Ikea - Products

Description, In stock, Color, Size, Reviews count, Main image, Category url, Category, and more.

Best Buy products

URL, Product id, Title, Images, Final price, Currency, Discount, Initial price, and more.

Myntra products

URL, Product id, Title, Product description, Rating, Ratings count, Initial price, Discount, and more.


URL, Product id, Title, Product description, Rating, Reviews count, Initial price, Discount, and more.

Sephora products

URL, ID, Name, Sku, In stock, Regular price, Actual price, Unit price, and more. - Cars Listings

Car id, URL, Manufacturer, Model, Badge, Colour, Year, Price, and more. products

URL, Sku, Breadcrumbs, Name, Rating, Review count, Description, Image, and more.

H&M - Products

Category tree, Color, Country code, County of origin, Currency, Delivery, Description, Domain, and more.

Webmotors Brasil - Cars Listings

ID SELLER, ID, URL, Tipo, Marca, Modelo, Ano, Variante, and more.

Tokopedia Products

Product id, Title, URL, Currency, Delivery, Final price, Initial price, Seller name, and more.

URL, Domain, Marketplace pn, Sku, Other pn, Model number, Gtin ean pn, Product name, and more.

Digikey - Products

Product url, Category url, Part number, Description, Manufacturer, Manufacturer url, Datasheet url, Rohs compliant, and more. products

URL, Sku, Breadcrumbs, Name, Rating, Review count, Image, Brand, and more.

Zalando products

Domain, Country code, URL, Sku, Condition, Gender, Product name, Brand, and more.

Mouser - Products

Product url, Category url, Mouser part num, Mfr part number, Manufacturer, Image, Image high, Manufacturer url, and more.

Asos - Products

URL, Name, Brand, Description, About me, Availability, Buy the look, Category, and more.

Lego - Products

Product name, Category, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Availability, and more.

Wayfair products

URL, Product id, Title, Rating, Reviews count, Initial price, Discount, Final price, and more.

Chanel Products

Product name, Product description, Country, Currency, Color, Variations, Free sample, Image slider, and more.

Google Shopping products search US

URL, Product id, Title, Final price, Initial price, Currency, Rating, Reviews count, and more.

Lazada - Reviews

URL, Title, Rating, Reviews, Seller name, Sku, Mpn, Is super seller, and more.

Nordstrom products

URL, Domain, Country code, Marketplace pn, Other pn, Upc, Model number, Gtin ean pn, and more.

Dior - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more. - Complete Products

Product name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Availability, and more.

Home Depot CA

Domain, Country code, URL, Model number, Sku, Product name, Manufacturer, Description, and more.

Hermes- Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Google Play Store reviews

URL, Review id, Reviewer name, Review date, Review rating, Review, Found helpful, App url, and more.

Chileautos Chile - Cars Listings

URL, Marca, Modelo, Ano, Variante, Kilometraje, Condicion, Combustible, and more.

Toysrus - Products

Product name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Reviews count, and more.

Carsales Cars Listings search page information

Car id, URL, Manufacturer, Model, Badge, Year, Price, Currency, and more.

Apple App Store reviews

URL, Review id, Review title, Review rating, Reviewer name, Review date, Review, Developer response, and more.

Ashleyfurniture - Products

Product name, Brand, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Availability, Color, and more.

Lazada products search (GMV)

URL, Name, Price, Currency, Number sold, Sku, Image url, Rating, and more.

Mango Products

Product name, Price, Image, Size, Product article, Availability, Description, Colour code, and more. - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more. products

Brand, Description, Manufacturer, Ean, Sku, Initial price, Final price, In stock, and more.

Fendi Products

Product id, URL, Product name, Product description, Short description, Image, Price, Currency, and more.

Zara Home Products

Category id, Category key, Category name, Product id, Product name, Price, Price discount, Price with fillings, and more. - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Walmart - products zipcodes

URL, Final price, Sku, Currency, Gtin, Specifications, Image urls, Top reviews, and more. - Products

Product name, Description, In stock, Availability, Color, Size, Reviews count, Category url, and more. - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more. - Products

Product name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Color, and more. - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Massimo Dutti - Products

URL, Title, Price, Product type, Family name, Subfamily name, Images, Size, and more. - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Crateandbarrel - Products

Product name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Availability, and more. - Products

Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Color, Size, Reviews count, and more. - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Delvaux - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more. - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more. - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more. - Products

IDentity, Product name, URL, Description, Category tree, Color, Country code, County of origin, and more. - Products

Product name, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Main image, Category tree, Country code, and more.

Montblanc - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more. - Products

Product name, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, and more.

Mattressfirm - Products

Product name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Color, and more. - Products

Product name, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Size, Reviews count, and more.

Walmart products search

ID, URL, Typename, Buy box suppression, Similar items, Us item id, Is bad split, Name, and more.

Preços de datasets

Refresh rate
Complete Dataset
  • Verificados e validados
  • Atualizados mensalmente
  • JSON/CSV/Parquet

Target datasets tailored to your needs

Get easy to use, well-structured datasets for any use case

Assinatura de dados

Inscreva-se para acessar conjuntos de dados a um custo consideravelmente menor.

Formatos de exportação de arquivo

JSON, NDJSON, JSON Lines, CSV, Parquet. Compressão .gz opcional.

Entrega flexível

Snowflake, Amazon S3 bucket, Google Cloud, Azure e SFTP.

Dados escaláveis

Escale sem se preocupar com infraestrutura, servidores proxy ou blocos.

Redução de custos

Personalize qualquer conjunto de dados usando filtros e opções de formatação.

Manutenção de código

Os conjuntos de dados são mantidos com base nas mudanças na estrutura do site.

Integrações simplificadas

Beneficie-se das integrações com Snowflake e AWS.

Suporte 24 horas

Uma equipe dedicada de profissionais de dados está aqui para ajudar.

Líderes em conformidade

Os dados são obtidos de forma ética e estão em conformidade com todas as leis de privacidade.

Get structured and reliable Target data

Nós fornecemos os dados enquanto você se concentra no resto

Grandes volumes de dados da web

Com nossos recursos de desbloqueio e rotação de IPs 24 horas, garantimos o acesso a todos os pontos de dados em qualquer site.

Dados para uso imediato

Cada aspecto do processo de coleta de dados é minuciosamente validado como parte do nosso robusto processo de validação de dados.

Fluxo de dados automatizado

Crie cronogramas personalizados para automatizar a entrega de dados e veja os dados entrarem com perfeição em seu armazenamento.

How companies use Target datasets

Brand reputation

Analyze product reviews and ratings to see what consumers are saying about the product and to ensure the right commercial offer. The Target dataset enables companies to understand consumer sentiment towards specific products or the overall brand.
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monitor_customer_sentiment 1

Consumer market analysis

Identify product inventory gaps, increased demand for certain products, and products that are trending with consumers. The Target dataset enables companies to make informed decisions regarding inventory management, optimize stocking levels, and enhance overall supply chain efficiency.
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Identify top sellers

Competitor analysis

Define a pricing strategy and create dynamic pricing models by locating similar products and categories among your competitors. The Target dataset provides the necessary information to determine optimal price points, identify pricing gaps, and make data-driven pricing decisions.
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Get your Target dataset today.