Amazon Product Dataset

Get a complete snapshot from any Amazon domain.

  • Hundreds of millions records available
  • Easily identify top selling Amazon products
  • Free Amazon products data samples for download
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An image showing how Amazon data turns into structured data

Amazon products dataset sample

Use the Amazon products dataset to identify top-selling products and product inventory changes in Amazon US. Track them across various categories and subcategories. Depending on your needs, you may purchase the entire dataset or a customized subset.

Popular Amazon datasets

Amazon reviews dataset

The Amazon reviews dataset covers all major data points such as URL, name, rating, ASIN, rating count, reviews number, ID, author ID, and much more.

Amazon best seller dataset

The Amazon best seller products covers all major data points such as brand, product, ranking, category, seller, price, reviews, description, and much more.

Preços de datasets

Refresh rate
Complete Dataset
  • Verificados e validados
  • Atualizados mensalmente
  • JSON/CSV/Parquet

Amazon product datasets tailored to your needs

Get easy to use, well-structured datasets for any use case

Assinatura de dados

Inscreva-se para acessar conjuntos de dados a um custo consideravelmente menor.

Formatos de exportação de arquivo

JSON, NDJSON, JSON Lines, CSV, Parquet. Compressão .gz opcional.

Entrega flexível

Snowflake, Amazon S3 bucket, Google Cloud, Azure e SFTP.

Dados escaláveis

Escale sem se preocupar com infraestrutura, servidores proxy ou blocos.

Redução de custos

Personalize qualquer conjunto de dados usando filtros e opções de formatação.

Manutenção de código

Os conjuntos de dados são mantidos com base nas mudanças na estrutura do site.

Integrações simplificadas

Beneficie-se das integrações com Snowflake e AWS.

Suporte 24 horas

Uma equipe dedicada de profissionais de dados está aqui para ajudar.

Líderes em conformidade

Os dados são obtidos de forma ética e estão em conformidade com todas as leis de privacidade.

Get structured and reliable Amazon product data

Nós fornecemos os dados enquanto você se concentra no resto

Grandes volumes de dados da web

Com nossos recursos de desbloqueio e rotação de IPs 24 horas, garantimos o acesso a todos os pontos de dados em qualquer site.

Dados para uso imediato

Cada aspecto do processo de coleta de dados é minuciosamente validado como parte do nosso robusto processo de validação de dados.

Fluxo de dados automatizado

Crie cronogramas personalizados para automatizar a entrega de dados e veja os dados entrarem com perfeição em seu armazenamento.

How companies use Amazon product datasets

Product inventory & pricing strategy

Find best-selling products customers often search for and purchase. Optimize from A-Z your inventory, pricing, supply chain, and marketing strategy.
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optimize product and pricing

Stay ahead of the competition

Top sellers on Amazon have a secret ingredient for success. Analyze Amazon top sellers’ products, reviews, and promotions for new business ideas, or recruit them to your marketplace.
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Identify top sellers

Consumer sentiment & brand reputation

Analyze categories and brands that are trending in each country to spot shifts in consumer demand and product popularity among buyers.
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Track Consumer Sentiment

Amazon Product Dataset FAQs

The Amazon product dataset includes different data points that fit your needs. Data points include title, seller name, brand, description, price, currency, reviews, ratings, ASIN, and more! Available from various domains and geo-locations.

Yes, you can get updates to your Amazon products dataset on a daily, weekly, monthly, or custom basis.

Yes, you can purchase a Amazon subset that will include only the data points you need. By purchasing a subset, cost is reduced substantially.

Bright Data prioritizes ethical data-sourcing practices. They adhere to strict ethical guidelines and comply with all relevant regulations to ensure that the data provided is obtained ethically and legally. Additionally, Bright Data is committed to maintaining the privacy and security of data subjects and users.

Yes. Each dataset undergoes rigorous quality assurance processes to ensure accuracy, reliability, and relevance. Additionally, we continuously update and refresh our datasets to reflect the latest information, ensuring that users always have access to the most current data.

Data formats are available in JSON, NDJSON, CSV, XLSX and Parquet. Datasets can be delivered via Snowflake, Webhook, Google Cloud, Email, PubSub, Amazon S3, SFTP or Azure. You can also iInitiate requests through API for on-demand data.

If you don’t want to purchase an Amazon dataset, you can start scraping Amazon data using our Amazon Scraper API.

Get your Amazon product dataset today.